“We are fully convinced that we must have sustainable development that will go hand in hand with biodiversity.”
– Lic. Remberto Estrada Barba
“At the local level, nature matters most.”
– Councilor Cathy Oke
“The health of our citizens in our cities, both mental and body health depends on having sufficient green spaces where people can enjoy nature and socialize.”
– Mr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias
“The loss of biodiversity to my understanding should be seen as a national security issue given the fact that it effects health, the economy, and effects the ability of communities to respond to natural disasters such as climate change and floods.”
– Honorable Miguel Ángel Mancera
“National governments alone are not sufficient to respond to the damages to our ecosystem from climate change and development.”
– His Excellency Maeng Sung-kyu
“In a world which is far more globalized and interconnected, the role of cities, states and regions has been expanding. Sustainability can only be achieved through the coordination of governments at all levels.”
– His Excellency Carlos Manuel Joaquín González
“The Nagoya commitments are not enough. Governments must be far more ambitious because we are losing biodiversity at rates faster than ever before.”
– His Excellency Rafael Pacchiano Alamán
“By strengthening human rights associated with our territory we shall generate the necessary conditions to preserve biodiversity and the viability of this shared planet earth.”
– Mr. Enrique González Tiburcio, Vice minister