This publication picks up on the momentum from COP15 by illustrating subnational and local governments’ ongoing commitment to take action at the local and territorial levels. It provides a snapshot of some of the many initiatives, actions, programs and projects being implemented by cities – big and small – district authorities, provinces, states and prefectures around the world to contribute to the 2030 targets in the Biodiversity Plan, and action areas identified in the Plan of Action adopted under CBD Decision 15/12. It is intended to showcase and benchmark the progress already made by subnational and local governments, as well as provide inspiration for what is possible in future efforts. As such, it provides an impetus for the review of the role of subnational governments, cities and other local authorities in the implementation of the objectives of the Convention and its Protocols and the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework, to be undertaken and reported to SBI by the Executive Secretary of the CBD as envisaged in article 7 of Decision 15/12.