The Urban Biosphere Initiative is proud to present the 2015/16 URBIS Dialogue Series.
What are the URBIS Dialogues you may ask?
The URBIS Dialogues will provide a global platform for online dialogue through webinars held at monthly intervals, bringing together representatives of cities and local governments and leading experts from around the world to share experiences and address specific urban challenges focusing on the sustainable use of regional biodiversity and ecosystem services to support social development in a rapidly urbanizing world.
The webinars will address new developments in urban design, planning and management with a strong perspective on the practical implementation of new knowledge, tools and methods and explore collaborative opportunities and strategize on ways forward within the urban biodiversity realm with a special focus on cities and regions. The webinars – exclusively in English for the time being – will be broadcasted live, recorded, and posted on URBIS and partners’ websites. The target audience of the webinars is professionals from multi-disciplinary backgrounds in urban nature and infrastructure, including officials from local governments, practitioners, NGOs, academics and researchers and the series will cover a range of overarching themes.
How to join this webinar?

Email and request a unique link for the upcoming webinar. Use the link to register.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
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What topics to expect in 2015/16?
Other themes to be covered over the course of the year include, but are not limited to:
  • How to create and support city and regional policy for effective nature-based solutions to urban sustainability, resilience and livability. 
  • Reconciling economic development, investment opportunities and the value of nature and urban green infrastrucutre – identifying policies and incentives for livable cities.
  • Citizen participation and stewardship: whose earth is it anyway? 
  • What is the relationship between livability, sustainability and resilience?
  • The urban commons: the many ways in which nature in the city serves as a commons resource, not just a private, state or public good. 
  • Biophilic Design: incorporating nature in design.
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