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Effective subnational and local implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in general depends on two interconnected elements: the capacity of each level of government to develop, execute and monitor their own biodiversity strategies and action plans or related instruments that mainstream biodiversity into their wider objective and cover the obligations of an NBSAP, and the coordination mechanisms between these levels, including synergies across levels of government in planning BSAPs.

Building Capacity for the Subnational Implementation of NBSAPs, a project supported by the Japan Biodiversity Fund, is a collaboration between the ICLEI CBC and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD).

As part of the project, an intensive engagement with national, subnational and local governments has been conducted. The next phase saw the development of a set of guidelines to strengthen cooperation for subnational implementation of NBSAPs.

The purpose of these guidelines is to support Parties of the CBD and their subnational and local governments in the implementation of the National and Subnational and Local biodiversity strategies and actions plans through coordinated mechanisms that enhance effectiveness and efficiency of steps towards conservation of biodiversity, and enhance knowledge of the width and range of these activities to advance subnational implementation. An event was held at the CBD COP 13 in December 2016, where participants of the COP and the Summit were invited to attend and give input into the draft Guidelines.

Furthermore, the projects will engage with different levels of government through a set of capacity-building Webinars to apply the guidelines and share lessons learned.

Learn more about NBSAPs here: https://www.cbd.int/nbsap/.

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