Bo, Sierra Leone
The planned work in Bo is based on natural asset mapping and stakeholder engagements. Key priority natural assets will be mapped and socio-economic assessments undertaken, alongside in-depth consultations with various departments in the City Administration and other stakeholders.
- Online capacity building:
- Participated in the facilitated online course on Learn with ICLEI Africa: Planning with Nature for Improved Service Delivery
- Project Steering Committee:
- First meeting with the in-country Project Steering Committee to discuss their involvement in the project and to gain National Government commitment to project success
- Learning Lab 1:
- Introduction of the UNA project, including laying the foundation on terminology in order to help participants enhance their understanding of biodiversity, ecosystems and the value of safeguarding Urban Natural Assets.
- Introduction to the Human rights based approach.
- Introduction to mapping and the value of spatial data in informing urban natural assets related planning and decision making.
- In-depth city research:
- Socioeconomic survey of 900+ households in Bo City conducted.
- Development of Climate Change Risk models and climate Risk Narratives to enhance climate change adaptation mainstreaming at local level.
- Assessment of the human rights landscape, including how rights are articulated both in legislation and in communities.
- Spatial mapping of UNA in the city, including current threats and future trajectory.
- Recommendations for improved UNA conservation and sustainable management.
- Learning Lab 2:
- Human rights and gender based approach training 2.
- Understanding institutional arrangements and the role of cooperative governance in driving impactful change.
- Mainstreaming Urban planning considerations in city planning and development.
- Unpacking the finance landscape (barriers and opportunities) and g) capacity building activities.
- Human rights and gender based approach training 2.
- City officials participated as speakers in two RISE Africa sessions:
- Learning Lab 3:
- Introduced a whole-of-society approach where the different UNA pillars were integrated in activities and sessions.
- Explored the importance of good governance and multi stakeholder partnerships in decision making
- Incorporated urban planning thinking and practices in how we design and plan our cities to promote nature and healthy ecosystems for people and planet
- Considerations on how to finance biodiversity interventions and solutions, what opportunities exist and how to leverage existing partnerships to access financial resources
- Development of communications products to help build capacity on urban natural assets and human rights:
- Illustrated map of Urban Natural Assets
- Socioeconomic Snapshot of Bo City
- City to City exchange:
- Participated in virtual city to city exchange with 14 other UNA cities, with the Deputy Mayor of Bo City Council presenting on the biodiversity finance landscape in the city.
- Learning Lab 4:
- Human rights and gender based approach training 4
- Participated in a Photovoice participatory activity, capturing photographs of urban natural assets
- Building on the photovoice, lessons on adopting a whole-of-society approach where gender, governance, planning and finance considerations are mainstreamed in addressing city challenges such as deforestation, waste and pollution
- Explored blue green frameworks as a tool to encourage participatory planning to mainstream nature based solutions
- Youth Day: school children from local schools brought together to draw their imagined futures and learn about the value of UNA and their sustainable use and management