NBSAP compilationBuilding Capacity for the Subnational Implementation of NBSAPs, a project supported by the Japan Biodiversity Fund, is a collaboration between the ICLEI CBC and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD).

The first phase of the project covered a very intensive engagement phase, where 30 countries and their subnational governments were consulted through means of questionnaires. Currently, guidelines are being drafted on how to make best use of subnational government knowledge in compiling NBSAPs, and out how to implement NBSAPs at the subnational level. Published reports and literature, as well as the responses received through the questionnaires are used to inform the writing of these Guidelines.

A set of Draft Guidelines will be taken to the CBD COP13 in Cancun, where they will be presented to stakeholders from National, subnational and local governments from across the world. The workshop will unpack the guidelines and request stakeholders to give their views and input to inform the guidelines and build on the expertise in the room.

Following this interactive session, the guidelines will be reviewed and will be published in February 2017.

Stakeholders wishing to attend the workshop or receive more information on the Guidelines can contact Ulrike Irlich (Ulrike.Irlich@iclei.org)

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