Project: INTERACT-Bio

Integrated action on biodiversity


Oval 377 Created with Sketch Beta. Project overview

INTERACT-Bio is designed for improving the utilization and management of nature within fast-growing cities and the regions surrounding them. It aims to provide expanding urban communities in the Global South with nature-based solutions and associated long-term benefits.

The project enables governments at all levels – from local to national – to integrate their efforts for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into core subnational government functions such as spatial planning, land-use management, local economic development and infrastructure design.

The project supports city-regions to understand and unlock, within their specific local context, the potential of nature to provide essential services and new or enhanced economic opportunities, while simultaneously protecting and enhancing the biodiversity and ecosystems on which these services and opportunities depend. In doing so, these actions will place the participating city-regions on a more resilient and sustainable development path.


Project name: INTERACT-Bio

Full title:  Integrated subnational action for biodiversity: Supporting implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans through the mainstreaming of biodiversity objectives across city-regions

Funded by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

Project countries: Brazil, China, Colombia, India, South Africa and Tanzania

      Visit the INTERACT-Bio project page in Portuguese here.

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Oval 377 Created with Sketch Beta. Newsletters

Read our INTERACT-Bio project newsletter August and November.

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INTERACT-Bio Is Being Implemented In Brazil, China, Colombia, India, South Africa And Tanzania.

Brazil, China, Colombia, India, South Africa and Tanzania each have globally unique biodiversity, but complex development challenges are widely manifested in their fast-growing cities and surrounding regions. These countries are all signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and are considered frontrunners in implementing the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. The project presents these countries with a unique opportunity to enable deeper engagement of, and contribution by, their subnational governments in implementing current and shaping future National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs).

In Brazil, India and Tanzania, pilot projects demonstrate the multiple benefits of implementing local biodiversity actions and their contributions to supporting sustainable urban development. The implementation of sub-national BSAPs will be further supported by targeted investment cases, capacity building, and partnership facilitation with project preparation facilities and financing institutions. In China, Colombia and South Africa, INTERACT-Bio will map, assess and trial financing instruments and mechanisms that support local biodiversity actions.

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INTERACT-Bio aims to:

  • Connect national and subnational government decision-makers to work together towards integrating biodiversity considerations into city-region planning and decisions.
  • Strengthen the capacity of city-regions to integrate biodiversity and nature-based solutions into land use, infrastructure and development planning, and to develop supporting policy instruments.
  • Mainstream biodiversity considerations across sectors at the subnational and national level.


In doing so, INTERACT-Bio will:

  • Promote nature-based solutions as economically sound and sustainable investment options.
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of nature-based city-region development through pilot projects.
  • Multiply nature-based approaches by connecting city-regions with one another, and by building capacity and raising awareness that nature offers significant value in an urban context.

“We welcome this project. We need the skills and capacity building and we look forward to integrating our city’s needs with the project.” ~ Hon. Kalisti Lazaro Bukhay, Mayor of Arusha.

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INTERACT-Bio is implemented by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. The ICLEI World Secretariat is responsible for project management and coordination in close collaboration with the ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC) which provides technical leadership to the project. The CBC is located in the ICLEI Africa office, one of three offices in ICLEI responsible for the regional implementation of INTERACT-Bio. ICLEI South Asia and ICLEI South America are the other two implementing partners.

Technical support for the ecosystem assessment components of the project is provided by Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity is an endorsing partner.

The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI).

Read more:

INTERACT-Bio Advisory Board

Global Experts

National Technical Experts

ICLEI Experts

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